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Prof. Roman Ulm

Department of Plant Sciences

University of Geneva, Sciences III


30 Quai E. Ansermet

CH-1211 Geneva 4


Tel.: +41-22-379-3650 


Born in 1973 in Basel, Switzerland

Nationality: Swiss


2017 -

Director, Department of Botany and Plant Biology, University of Geneva


2015 -

Full Professor, Plant Molecular Biology, Department of Botany and Plant Biology, University of Geneva


2010 - 2015 

Associate Professor, Department of Botany and Plant Biology, University of Geneva, Switzerland 


2005 - 2010 

Independent Group Leader of a DFG-funded Emmy Noether Research Group, Department of Botany, Institute of Biology II, University of Freiburg, Germany


2002 - 2005 

Junior Group Leader, Department of Botany, Institute of Biology II, University of Freiburg, Germany (supervisors: Eberhard Schäfer and Ferenc Nagy) (funding through the Wolfgang Paul Award of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation to Ferenc Nagy, BRC, Szeged, Hungary) 



Three-month visiting scientist, Rockefeller University, New York, USA (Nam-Hai Chua laboratory)


1998 - 2002

Ph.D. thesis "Arabidopsis MAP kinase phosphatase 1: a regulator of environmental stress responses" (Jerzy Paszkowski laboratory, Friedrich Miescher Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation, Basel, Switzerland)


1993 - 1997 

Studies in Biology I, University of Basel, Switzerland


1989 - 1992

Gymnasium Oberwil, BL

  • 2024: Lucca (Barga), Italy - Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Photosensory Receptors & Signal Transduction

  • 2024: Bhubaneswar, India - EMBO Workshop, International Symposium on Plant Photobiology (ISPP)

  • 2022: Kraków, Poland - Keynote lecture, 4th Network Meeting UV4Plants

  • 2021: Salzburg, Austria (virtual) - 19th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology

  • 2021: CSHL, USA (virtual) - International Symposium on Plant Photobiology

  • 2019: Barcelona, Spain - ESP-IUPB World Congress on Light and Life

  • 2019: Barcelona, Spain - International Symposium on Plant Photobiology

  • 2019: Columbia, MO, USA - IPG2019 “Plant Signaling in Biotic and Abiotic Stress”

  • 2018: Matsue, Japan - International Symposium on Plant Photobiology

  • 2016: Galveston, TX, USA - Discussion Leader and Speaker, Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Photosensory Receptors & Signal Transduction

  • 2015: Aveiro, Portugal - 16th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology

  • 2015: Austin, TX, USA - Keynote lecture, International Symposium on Plant Photobiology

  • 2014: Córdoba, Argentina - Finsen Award Lecture, 16th International Congress on Photobiology

  • 2013: Liège, Belgium - Keynote lecture, 15th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology

  • 2013: Edinburgh, UK - International Symposium of Plant Photobiology

  • 2012: Jeju, Korea - 10th International Congress on Plant Molecular Biology (IPMB)

  • 2012: Galveston, TX, USA - Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Photosensory Receptors & Signal Transduction

  • 2011: Tübingen, Germany - 12th Symposium on Plant Protein Phosphorylation

  • 2011: Beijing, China - International Symposium on Plant Photobiology

  • 2009: Glasgow, UK - Society for Experimental Biology (SEB) Annual Main Meeting

  • 2009: Wroclaw, Poland - 13th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology

  • 2009: Düsseldorf, Germany - 15th International Congress of Photobiology

  • 2006: Paris, France - International Symposium on Plant Photobiology

2014 Finsen Award Lecture, International Union of Photobiology (IUPB) 

2012 - 2017 ERC Starting Grant (Consolidator) 

2005 - 2010 Emmy Noether Programme (DFG) 

2003 - 2005 EMBO long-term fellowship

2002 Ph.D. (summa cum laude), University of Basel


  • Since 2011, our lab has been involved yearly in the "Studienwoche, Biologische und medizinische Genetik, Schweizer Jugend forscht / Semaines d'étude, Génie génétique en biologie et médecine, La Science appelle les jeunes".

Prof. Roman Ulm

Department of Plant Sciences

University of Geneva, Sciences III

© Roman Ulm
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